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Forum Newbie
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members
Active: May. 10 2006 12:42
Posts: 1
Wed, May. 10 2006 12:59


My guessing game of who was sending spam abruptly came to a halt when the perpetrator needed their pc fixed.

My work had just began because the customer needed to keep all files, so immediately installed twister anit-virus ran scan showing 1600 trojan's, viruses, malwares.

One perticuliar folder (with virus needed to be deleted by hand) the folder had the .pwd usually meaning a password file, what was really wrong was it was located on the my documents of the machine. So curious enough I opened it to discover who had my email address installed with another one on a aol acc. to someone else. Also included was my family's online gaming screen names which one had been previously password taken from our home machine.

We've not told them what we do know about their electronic harrassment. But we can tell you 2 programs installed on their machine that I do feel is invasion to other peoples machines. They had Limewire-Pro and Bearshare Peer2Peer Programs.. In the Limewire Pro was the major viruses being picked up from across their net usage. So I had to open it to see what it was.

On the screen at the right hand corner of the program it said you could enter friends ip address and easily scan their machine. WHOAAA!!! (I'm very mad at that). Anyway I'm not reccomending these programs. Nor do I reccommend installing your own connection to your isp when fixing a pc for someone else. Without erasing all

your own data. In the most damaging eveidence I did have that this machine to the (unknown) aqutaince also was using Tel-Net through Microsoft word 2003. In the system directory the machine had the network drivers installed which we had not dont but someone else. And it was being told to connect to another machine remotely.

My ending is start looking closest to home around you at the pc's you've encountered and hooked into your own internet connections.

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Forum Newbie
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members
Active: May. 16 2006 09:28
Posts: 2
Tue, May. 16 2006 09:33

Hi, my name is Tess and I am 14 years old and also you wanna email becuase here is my email and I will answer if you are a boy!



So Can You Please REPLY At zz10alloy@woodlynde .org

I would MOST appreicate it thank you!

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Forum Newbie
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members
Active: May. 16 2006 09:28
Posts: 2
Tue, May. 16 2006 09:34

Hey I am a 14 Year Old Girl And I need A Boy Friend So Bad So Can you email me ASAP At Zz10Alloy@Woodlynde.Org

Thank you!

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