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Forum Newbie
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members
Active: Nov. 6 2006 10:54
Posts: 1
Mon, Nov. 6 2006 10:44

Wanting to know your friends password or is your girlfriend having an secret affair or is your partner cheating you or you want to know what your child is doing online... for all the answers you only require the mail password.

If you want to find a password of any account in YAHOO, GMAIL, HOTMAIL or REDIFF, simply visit as at:

We charge only 100$ for this service.

You dont have to pay us in advance, pay us only after we send you the proofs which will convince you that we really got desired password.


Score: 2.00 (1 vote)reply report ]

Forum Newbie
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members
Active: Jan. 2 2007 11:29
Posts: 4
Tue, Jan. 2 2007 11:35
UNDERGROUNDSURVEILANCE Wanting to know your friends password or is your girlfriend having an secret affair.or is your partner cheating you or u want to know what your child is doing online.for all the answers you only require the password. how easy would it be if only u had their email password .now you can get the required password very easily just contact our agency that is the underground surveilance. we get the passwords price you decide. just click on the link below or copy the link in the url box for more info. UNDERGROUNDSURVEILANCE Wanting to know your friends password or is your girlfriend having an secret affair.or is your partner cheating you or u want to know what your child is doing online.for all the answers you only require the password. how easy would it be if only u had their email password .now you can get the required password very easily just contact our agency that is the underground surveilance. we get the passwords price you decide. just click on the link below or copy the link in the url box for more info.
Score: 3.00 (1 vote)reply report ]