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Forum Newbie
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members
Active: Jul. 26 2013 23:41
Posts: 1
Tue, Jul. 30 2002 08:54

every time i try to run any office application the microsoft installer program appears for about 3 minutes.   is there a workaround or patch to correct this: has anybody else had this problem?

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Forum Newbie
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members
Active: Dec. 17 2002 18:36
Posts: 1
Tue, Dec. 17 2002 17:54
Yes, there is an issue with office xp that M$ has released patch for. It prevents office from having to be reactivated each time you start it. A good program that keeps you updated better than Windows update is bigfix. Small and uses very little resources. I have used it for years and has done a great job of keeping me updated of Microsoft updates.
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