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Group: Forum Members
Active: Feb. 25 2013 03:24
Posts: 10785
Sat, Jun. 15 2002 09:04

The MechWarrior 4: Vengeance update v3.0 addresses numerous gameplay issues.

The MechWarrior 4: Black Knight update v1.0 includes numerous improvements and game updates.

And the MechWarrior 4 'Mech Paks is now available.
The MechWarrior 4 'Mech Paks will expand the gameplay for the best-selling, award-winning MechWarrior 4: Vengeance, based on the popular game of mechanized combat from FASA StudiosT. Each Pak will give players new 'Mechs, a new electronics package, a new weapon, and a multiplayer map. Cyberlore, the team behind the successful MechWarrior 4: Black Knight expansion, is developing the Paks in conjunction with the FASA MechWarrior 4 team.

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